Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Me No English So Good.

Anyone who has interacted with me for more than five minutes can attest to the fact that I am offended by one thing and one thing alone.  That one thing is blatant disregard for the English language.  If you live in America, like it or not, it is the dominate language so learn to speak it properly or shut the fuck up.

It is bad enough I have to listen to the moronic customer base, but then I have to attempt to pick out the meaning behind my valuable training materials, provided by my multi-BILLION dollar company, amidst all the spelling and grammatical errors.

I suppose I should feel happy that my job is FINALLY allowing us time to learn things.  I guess they finally got sick of having employees who know less than the customers.

Today was a day I was allotted an hour to do some online training on whatever I wanted.  Instead of absorbing knowledge to be a better sales associate (hahahahahahaha), I ended up taking photos for what I knew to be my next blog content.

Let's play "What's wrong with this picture?" (Sorry about the flash dot. I was trying to be stealthy as we now have a "strict" no cell phone policy and didn't have time to turn the flash off.)

Holy shit.  Where can I find a 406 foot VGA cable?  More importantly, am I to believe there is something longer?! Is that a dot com only product?  Oh.  You meant 4 - 6.  Fail.

I think I'm doing something wrong.  I'm not entirely sure how to lat down.  Is that what all the cool kids are doing these days?  

Firstly, I (poorly) blurred out the brand name to avoid any bitching on their or my employer's behalf.  But I ask you, is it that difficult to use a backspace?  Clearly that ? doesn't belong in the middle of the word.  Unless....is it like a glottal stop? Should I be alarmed?  Is this the USB that will end the world? Hmmm.

Now before you say these are small, insignificant typos that any moron could decipher, I will say the significance of the problem is not the issue.  The issue is this company's lack of desire to invest the time to proofread before something is published this as a legitimate resource.  If you cannot avoid basic typos, why should I trust the validity of your information?  

One would think a company as the one in question could afford an editor.  Job opportunity for Stef, perhaps? 


  1. I wish I could post pictures to your blog. I have a picture of horrifying English errors that you'd love to see.

  2. Jax: can I adjust settings to allow that on blogger? It's the little things that make me consider moving to Tumblr. Then I remember Tumblr makes it so easy for people to steal your content and make it seem like their own. I am far too narcissistic for that bullshit. Lol

  3. How about I put it on Facebook and tag you in it?
