Thursday, September 8, 2011

Me, Caveman. You Helper.

The best thing (and possibly only good thing currently) about my job is talking to people.  If you've spent even a shred of time with me, you're aware that I'm a talker.  Once when I was 3, I made some dude I'd never met endure the ramblings of my three year old brain for an entire plane ride from Iowa to Florida. That poor bastard.  So imagine my heartbreak when I realize those I interact with daily apparently have lost all ability to effectively communicate.

I'm not sure why, but people seem to get lazier and lazier every day.  This has now protruded into the general population's basic communication skills.  On a regular basis I feel as though I am dealing with a population that has de-evolved to the point of Neanderthals.  

We no longer speak in complete sentences.  Instead, I receive, "(pointing) In stock?"  Um.  Before talking, think of this; if I were blind, would I have any idea what you were trying to convey?  Would it have altered your quality of life so much to add the "is" and the "this"?

As if that isn't enough, I am expected to sift through the mumblers.  Oh, the mumblers.  Firstly, you cannot expect the average person to be able to understand what it is you need when you are looking away from them while seemingly eating their tongues.

I haven't gotten to the worst part (for me).  As I said, I LOVE to talk.  I pride myself on my impeccable grammar skills and extensive vocabulary.  Sadly, this is no longer appreciated because people have become so stupid.  Instead of applauding my intelligence or engaging in meaningful dialogue, I get blank stares and find myself resorting to the most basic of communication skills.

I suppose it could be worse; at least the grunting hasn't started.  Yet.

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