Thursday, March 31, 2011

Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning To Work.

It wasn't until I started to work retail did I truly grasp how disgusting the general public is.  I wasn't aware that we had to post signs telling employees to wash their hands.  I think what we failed to anticipate is how many customers fail to engage in this act of basic personal hygiene. 

I really thought that washing your hands after using the restroom was habit for people.  Clearly I was wrong.  I would say something cliche like, "I don't mean to be judgmental," but we all know there are few things in this world I love more than being judgey. 

It always seems to be the people that look like dirty fuckers that actually ARE dirty fuckers.  Today I visited our public restroom to wash my hands before lunch.  A women emerged from the bathroom stall and I knew almost immediately that if anyone wasn't going to wash their hands after going to the bathroom, it was this woman.

Let's start from the top.  Her hair hasn't seen a stylist or hairbrush in a few decades.  It was a multitude of different browns and blondes with a few red streaks that appeared to be Kool-aid.  Also, she had meth teeth.  Her clothes were about two sizes too small and twenty generations too young.

She appeared to consider washing her hands.  She looked at me, then the faucet followed by the soap as if she had to weigh the pros and cons of washing her hands.  The only time, and I do mean ONLY time, this is acceptable is if you're being chased by some sort of law official or hitman.  She was not.

Look.  I should not have to touch your vag germs by touching a doorknob or piece of product, or worse yet, shaking your hand as is common practice at my job, just because you are too lazy to take the 30 seconds to clean yourself.  Stop spreading your skeeze! 

Did I mention she forgot to flush?

1 comment:

  1. This gave me the heebies! Ick :P It kind of reminded me of the guy the other day with grease slicked back hair who smelled atrocious! I couldn't even stand helping him - that's pretty sad!
